Thursday, January 12, 2006

114. My class schedule

I am now teaching 10 classes in a 6 period day.
The school board for the Northwest Arctic Borough School District decided to change the way that students are put into classes. A while back they decided that instead of grouping students by age, they would move a student ahead when they passed tests on standards. As a result I had some students who were in the middle school and high school who were older than students mostly are at that point. The one problem was, some students were progressing slowly and were feeling discouraged, that they would not graduate and they were thinking of dropping out. Well they just decided to change back to a more traditional approach. They said that high school aged students who were still in middle school must be moved into high school this semester. So we moved more than half the middle school students into the high school. We also moved a few students up to the middle school.
First period I teach “Workplace Basics”. I have about 10 high school kids looking into what they want to do with the rest of their lives. There is some internet service we subscribe to that gives a lot of information on different occupations and gives the students different types of questionnaires to assess their skills and interests.
Second period is middle school math. I actually have three classes. Middle school math III is the 2 students who were in middle school last semester and they are continuing where we left off. Middle school math II has 2 students – one who was in middle school in the beginning of last semester but was then moved back down, as well as one student who was in middle school but fell behind, and we started a bit into the material. Middle school math I is the 1 student who was in just moved up into middle school and we started in the beginning of the material. (She has a test tomorrow.)
Third period is high school math. One group is second semester geometry, consisting of the about 14 high school students who were in my geometry class last semester. Another group is first semester algebra, consisting of the about 10 students who were just moved up into high school. A third group, advanced algebra, is the 1 student (who is also in my geometry class) who is scheduled to go into the army after he graduates in May and needs the extra math credit.
Fourth period is the math elective, with about 9 students. We do math and logic related stuff. Today we did a cross-sums together. The day before that we played with soma cubes.
Then comes lunch.
Fifth period is middle school science, with 5 students. We are currently learning astronomy.
Sixth period is earth science, with about 25 students. We are currently learning astronomy, but the lessons do not match up with what we are doing in middle school, since the classes are learning out of different books.
Lesson plans are a pain

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